How you can help?
How you can help?
Make a donation today:
1) Use a credit or debit card online:
CVLC Playground Fund
Christus Victor Lutheran Church
1615 E. NC 54 Hwy.
Durham, NC 27713
3) Visit the church office:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 am to 2 pm.
Other ways to help
Does your employer offer matching grants, or funds for community projects?
Donating time and talents?
Contact Linda Puente at for additional information or ways to help.
On the Way...
This play structure has been ordered and will be ready for installation late spring 2023.
Coming Next...
We hope to raise enough money to purchase these later in 2023
Before we're done...
With your financial support, we will add a handicap-accessible boat glider, a picnic table, an interactive garden, and maybe more.