About Christus Victor Lutheran Church


About CVLC

In association with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), Christus Victor Lutheran Church (CVLC) offers Christian worship service each Sunday. 

God's Mission for us is "Fearlessly trusting God, we accept all others, ourselves, and our calling to give comfort."

Lutherans have a grace-based and deep theology.  It is not possible to summarize the complexities of the Bible and our faith in a short sound byte.  But this is close:

Grace is good that we get that we do not deserve.  We are not saved by anything we say or do, but we are saved by God's unconditional love alone.  We do not earn our way into heaven.  Christ earned our way into heaven when He died on the cross.  Grace also means that people we don't think deserve to be in heaven will be there.  Christ saved them too.  As God's people on earth, we are called to love even those we don't think deserve it just as Christ loves us.  That's no easy thing to do!

Read more about what we believe.

Mission statement

Fearlessly trusting God, we accept all others, ourselves, and our calling to give comfort.

CVLC history

In the sixties, the Lutheran Church in America decided to center a new mission in Southern Durham, just a few miles from the developing Research Triangle Park. Worship services began on September 11, 1966 and were initially held in the Parkwood Elementary School. The church building, with its prominent baptismal font and 20-foot altar, was dedicated in 1970. The first charter was signed by 14 families.  Today, we are living out God's Mission on the shoulders of those who started and sustained this congregation over the years.

More Details on CVLC History

CVLC History PDF