We are Lutherans

The heart of the Lutheran Church is a reciprocal relationship between God and God's believers. We believe it is by faith in the Triune God that we are saved: God the Father the Creator of everything, to Whom we are reconciled by God's grace; God the Son, Jesus Christ through Whom we receive God's grace; and God the Holy Spirit through Whom we can believe.

Other Christian denominations share some of the following characteristics with us and we give thanks for our Unity in Christ.  We also give thanks for those who differ from us and challenge us to grow.

We are a:

1. Christian Church.  Jesus is Lord.  He is the #1 authority.  He is the Word of God incarnate.  When He died on the cross, He made a way for everyone to be saved.  We also believe He rose again and He will come again.

2.  Biblical Church. We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God written by humans, to be understood as "the Word" for a specific time and place. It is THE story of God and God's relationship with God's people. It is the #2 authority for us.  We believe that the Bible is the authoritative source and norm for Christian faith and life.  God gave us the gifts of language, science, sociology and history that allow us to find the Bible as relevant today as it was when it was originally written.  (Martin Luther, the namesake of the Lutheran Church, taught that one should pray when they read a Scripture passage that conflicts with Christ.  The Bible is the manger that holds the Christ Child.  But it is not Christ Himself.)

3. Doctrinal Church. We believe the Book of Concord is the #3 authority. In it lies the doctrine that guides us in our practice as the church.  Much of the Book of Concord was written in the 1500s during the Protestant Reformation.

4. Liturgical Church. The tradition of the Church is to "Hear the Word". There is a form and order to everything that we do, from worship and music to education and celebrations. Sunday worship follows the Church Year Calendar (the story of God and God's people).

5. Confessional Church. We proclaim our beliefs using any of these three creeds: Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, and most often the Apostle's Creed.

6. Sacramental Church. The sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion are the invisible grace of God made visible, and are experienced hand-in-hand with the Word.

All are welcome at Christus Victor. You are invited to Come and See.

Q & A

Q: What is the role of women in the Church?:

A: Fully included.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  (Honestly, the men's group probably wouldn't mind if women showed up too.)  Seriously, the ELCA ordains women and the presiding Bishop of the ELCA is Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.

Q: What about the LGBTQIA+ community?

A: God calls us to accept all others.  You are welcome here!  God created all, gave life to all, died for all, and loves all.  Also, the ELCA ordains people of various genders, gender identities, and sexual orientations.  Matthew 19:11-12

Q; Do you really eat Jesus' Flesh and Blood during communion?

A: We believe Jesus is "with, in, and under" the bread and wine.  Like someone hiding under a blanket, we can't see, hear, smell, feel, nor taste Jesus, but we know Jesus is there.  The big theological term for this is "consubstantiation."  ("Con" means "with.")

Q: If I just pray enough will my life be better?

A: Remember how much Jesus prayed and how faithful He was.  He only had 12 followers and one of them wanted to kill Him!  Just because you are faithful does not mean your life will be easier.  In fact, it is incredibly challenging to life a faithful life.  That's why you need a church community to walk with you.  Prayer is good.  But it doesn't replace that fact that God, and not you, is in control.

For more information visit elca.org/Faith or leave us a message.