Upcoming Events

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Find Comfort and Community At Christus Victor

Part of our calling to give comfort is providing opportunities for community and connection for people. Here's a taste of the kind of events and activities we offer throughout the year to make space for community and connection. 

  • Church in the Park

    As the temperatures rise, we hold an outdoor worship service in a local park. A hearty picnic is shared by all, while the kids enjoy the swings and games.

  • Community Service Day

    Every September we participate in God's Work, Our Hands Sunday taking part in service projects to make a difference in our community.

  • Living Nativity

    Every December, Christus Victor Lutheran Church creates a Living Nativity behind the church building. Our members depict Mary, Joseph, shepherds, angels, Roman centurions, and the Magi in six scenes from the Christmas Story.  We also have animals like sheep and donkeys each year.  Visitors may walk from scene to scene, or drive through guided by our luminary trail. We distribute Christmas cookies to all guests. The support team inside the church always has as much fun as the actors outside, and you are welcome to park your car and join us for food inside as well.